Sydney Topf
"United We Vote"
United We Vote is a special edition BUTV episode covering the presidential election. The episode aired November 6th at 7:30 PM ET, and it featured expert interviews, live analysis, student perspectives, on-the-ground reporting, and polling updates. Sydney Topf was hand selected to co-executive produce the special. Starting with a team of three producers, the show grew to over 50 members on the team. Topf also interviewed CNN Legal Analyst Elie Honig about some of the possible legal challenges that could occur.

Back story:
After serving as a reporter for BUTV's 2022 midterm election special, "Your Vote, Your Voice," Topf couldn't wait for the next election cycle. It wasn't until one of her broadcast journalism classes junior year that she realized she would be leading the charge of the 2024 election special.
"The next election special, Sydney, is on you," the 2022 midterm election special producers told Sydney.​ From then, Topf spent the next year studying up on all things relating to the 2024 election and curating a team to inform BU students and our wider audience.